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handmade unique items from second hand materials 

We are an emerging sustainable business.

We care for our planet, 

good design and you. 

We use mainly second hand materials for 

every single handmade item. 

That‘s why it‘s an one-off production, 

every piece is unique and 

got it’s well deserved time to be made.

We believe in patience and deceleration of 

fashion and our everyday lives.

So shop only what you truly want and what makes you happy. 

We want you to choose well, 

love it and make it last.  

If it needs to be repaired, come back to us!

Be aware of what 

you have in your hands: Someone’s effort 

and mother nature’s gifts. 


We LOVE handcraft and this planet we call home. 

Welcome to the Vondotsch family.

Vondotsch was founded in 2022 by Milana Alaro in Berlin, Germany

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